Legal Education Advancement & Development – Tunisia

LEAD is a nonprofit and apolitical NGO with academic and development perspectives. It was founded in November 2013 by young legal professionals and students who strive for a better education system in Tunisia. It aims to enhance and advance the legal education system in Tunisia via multiple initiatives and channels.

At LEAD we believe that there is an urgent need to reform the legal education system in light of the perspectives offered in post-revolution Tunisia. Indeed, as institutions are being created and reforms implemented, and with the democratic transition that has been enabled by the Tunisian revolution, well-educated jurists will unarguably act as fundamental building blocks as future policy makers, judges, lawyers, analysts and political leaders.

With a new Constitution in place, there will be numerous and sometimes drastic changes in the Tunisian legal framework, particularly in relation with public policy, legislative process, civil rights and freedoms, security, regional development and decentralization, and education. There is a genuine need for qualified and young jurists in all sectors to reflect on law and policy.